Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Diabetic Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes, where the destruction of neurons is permanent and causes many unpleasant and difficult to treat symptoms. Polyneuropathy occurs to the peripheral nerves of the body and is often found in diabetic patients, in whom it causes pain in the lower limbs. A-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a potential therapeutic approach in the treatment of pain associated with diabetic neuropathy.

ALA is a powerful antioxidant, which is found in small amounts in some foods, such as: liver, red meat, spinach, broccoli.

The human body is able to produce ALA, but only in small quantities. Its job, in essence, is to neutralize free radicals that are harmful to the body, which destroy neurons. ALA may also help increase insulin sensitivity.

Diabetic patients can take ALA as a dietary supplement to treat the symptoms of the neuropathy, in consultation with their doctor.

Symptoms of diabetic neuropathy

Neuropathy occurs in diabetic patients as a result of high blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia. Unfortunately, diabetics are at high risk for neuropathy, especially if it has been a long time since glucose levels were not regulated.

It is useful to clarify that the nervous system is divided into two major parts, the Central Nervous System (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the Peripheral Nervous System (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal nerves. with their nerve ganglia. The PNS is further divided into the Somatic Nervous and the Autonomic Nervous System. There are different types of neuropathies caused by diabetes, each with different symptoms. ALA is used to treat the symptoms of autonomic and peripheral neuropathy.

Autonomic Neuropathy

Diabetes can affect the nerves of the Autonomic Nervous System, which is responsible for involuntary work done in the body, ie those actions that we do not do consciously, such as breathing, heartbeat, tightening of bladder muscles, or eye movement.

Symptoms of Autonomic Neuropathy include: difficulty in swallowing, constipation / uncontrolled diarrhea, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction / vaginal dryness, increased or decreased sweating, sudden drop in blood pressure, increased pulse rate.

Peripheral Neuropathy: The symptoms of neuropathy in diabetics usually occur in the lower extremities, but may also occur in the upper extremities. The most common symptom is pain, but there may also be numbness, weakness in the perception of temperature change, muscle weakness, imbalance, ulcers, cramps, tenderness to the touch.

How does ALA work?

ALA is present in dietary supplements and is taken in addition to any treatment. The advantage of ALA is that it is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, which means that it can be absorbed by all parts of the body.

ALA may help treat the symptoms of neuropathy by targeting pain, numbness, itching, and burning sensation.

Should You Take ALA If You Have Diabetes?

Regulating glucose levels is the only way to prevent diabetic neuropathy. Unfortunately, neuropathy is an irreversible condition. If diabetic neuropathy occurs, the goal of treatment is to relieve the unpleasant symptoms, in order to increase the quality of life and to prevent further destruction of the neurons. ALA is a promising factor in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. However, each body is unique, so it is necessary to consult your doctor when you decide to include any new supplement in your daily routine.

The proposal of CROSS PHARMACEUTICALS for dietary supplement with ALA is LipineRve.

LipineRve 300mg with ALA (alpha - lipoic acid) is a dietary supplement, useful in the management of chronic neuropathic pain. Thanks to its composition, it contributes with antioxidant and neurotrophic properties in the management of chronic pain. What distinguishes LipineRve from other ALA supplements is that LipineRve contains the active form of ALA, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid. R-lipoic acid is the form of lipoic acid that occurs naturally in organisms and is responsible for the special beneficial effects of alpha-lipoic acid. R-lipoic acid (RLA) is the only form which acts as a co-factor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in energy production.

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