Cross Pharmaceuticals


Cross Pharmaceuticals is a pioneering Greek pharmaceutical company based in Thessaloniki. It was established in 2010 by founding members with over 40 years of experience in the field of healthcare and pharmaceutical sales. It is this experience that gives Cross all the tools to maintain and increase its growth rate, even in times of crisis, both social and sanitary.

We are based on the philosophy that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, as defined by the World Health Organization.

We seek to move from simple treatment to comprehensive health care, offering cutting-edge therapeutic solutions and services that improve people's quality of life.

And this is what we summarize in our own philosophy and daily practice with From Cure to Care! Our vision is the transition from appropriate treatment to comprehensive care.

Our goal is to offer solutions that are tools of proven value to healthcare professionals and patients with a rich portfolio of classic and differentiated Rx and OTC formulations, combining innovation with "best practice" to make existing therapeutic solutions faster and safer and more effective!

At Cross, we believe in the importance of scientific information and education. We are dedicated to educating our staff and partners to ensure that our knowledge remains up to date and that our clients receive the best possible care.

Cross' organisational culture reflects a strong People-focused philosophy. Every aspect of the company's operation is shaped with an emphasis on human resources, which emerges as the main and most important pillar for the realization of the company's goals and strategy. Ensuring healthy and high quality working conditions is a vital priority, underlining the targeted effort to develop human resources.

We are Cross!

From Cure to Care

We are here for health: 50 years of Pharmaceutical Pioneering